My how time flies. It seems like I was just posting about the August new month and here we are again looking into September. The month was a relative success in terms of cashouts but play was not great. Thank goodness for rakeback! The month started off fabulous and then went downhill from there. I was getting sucked out on quite a bit and played poorly as well leading to a loss of much of the profit I started the month with. Goals for this month and moving forward is to cashout $500 per week. This should easily be doable with the rakeback as it only needs 3 buyins per week to accomplish this as I'm averaging close to $200 per week in rakeback. So, off we go!
FT: $2,286.71
Stars: $521.22
Total: $2,807.93
Game Day!
14 years ago
500$ a week is a lot.
If you win at 8PTBB/100 you'd need to play 21 hours 4tabling per week to get 500$.
I'd just cashout half a buyin a week, that way your roll will keep increasing too and you will be able to resist variance.
If you keep cashing out too much you will inevitably hit a downswing and have to move down.
oops 4PTBB/100 i meant...
Adrien, I average about 10k hands per week so it really isn't a lot when you factor in rakeback. 2.5ptbb/100 nets me $500 and another ~$200 in rakeback.
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